Jesus called twelve disciples and he ordained them to be Apostles. Jesus taught them things concerning the scriptures and himself (Luke 24:44-45); most importantly, Jesus gave them the authority to be leaders and he established one true church (Matthew 16:16-19). These men went out according to the command of the Lord Jesus and preached his gospel and taught men of the revelation of the scriptures and set up church authority on how one should conduct him or herself in the one true church. These men began to set rules and governments in the church by writing letters to the church, which we call Epistles. The Lord Jesus himself is also called the Apostle (of our Profession). After believing and obeying the Word, continue in the Apostles Doctrine (Acts 2:42).
God’s man MUST BE Holy Ghost filled, according to Acts 2:4, because it is the Spirit that brings all flesh under subjection. The greatest form of teaching is example. That is why the man of God must be a first partaker in living a lifestyle completely obedient unto our Lord Jesus Christ. The watchman, man of God, gets in your heart, mind and soul to get you right with God. If he is truly God’s man, he will tell you of all your evil deeds and what to do to get right with God. The word of God is rough like sand paper, it smoothes us out from pride, arrogance, and bridles our tongue.
Everybody wants to sing and testify about Jesus. Everybody wants to talk about Jesus, but ain’t to many people want to live according to His doctrine. What the church needs to be is doctrinated, the people need to be taught and people don’t want teaching. When start giving people sound doctrine, doctrine that comes from the scriptures, that’s not what they want. The scriptures let’s us know that men are not going to endure sound doctrine, they gonna heap to themselves teachings with itching ears. If you give doctrines of devils and seducing spirits, they are gonna subject themselves to that; but, you know when you start to preach the doctrine of God to the human family which is totally contrary to our wicked will. The only way to see God in peace is to be a hearer and a doer, he wants those that are obedient.
A man of God prays and hopes that you give your ear to hear what the spirit has to say. We know according to the Word, that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God so we hope and pray that you lend us your spiritual ear and we do our part and preach the Word of God. We pray and hope to those who are tune into the Lift Up A Standard Broadcast Ministry, that the Word will encourage, and to edify and build up the saints, those that are the believers of the scriptures and the one God of the scriptures; and to that sinning man and that sinning woman, the individual that has yet got themselves right with God, that they have a heart to believe the Gospel: the death, the burial and the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, and believing it after hearing it, they might be obedient to the call: they might repent of their sins, have a mind to go to the water and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Praying until God blesses them with the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues as the spirit of God give utterance. This is our purpose, we know that the harvest is plentiful and the laborers are few. We know that there is a broad spectrum in the religious community, there is a form of godliness going on, but people are denying the power thereof. We hope and pray that the power vested in us, the Holy Ghost Power, God giving understanding of His word, we can always preach a message that will turn somebody’s life around or encourage somebody to continue to hold on until eternity be there blessing and they can see the God we are talking about in peace.
So we thank God again for the opportunity to open up the Word of God. We count this a privilege and we thank God for the testimony for being saved. Save yourself from this untoward generation. We live in a time when the world is just so backwards, walking away from all of the holiness, the righteousness, the godliness, the pure principles and wholesome life of living a decent life out of the eyes, perspective and mind of God. Being untoward generation we see how wicked the human family has become, we have understanding that when the first family sinned, something departed from them and that was the Spirit of God and since the Spirit of God departed from the human family because of the transgressions of Adam and Eve, sin entered into the world and we see the world is waxing worse and worse. The only way it will become better is with the help of God. All that we have for you is the Word of God. We don't have nothing written up, all we have is what has already been written, the inspired Word of God. We come with the prophets and the apostles, Jesus Christ being the chief cornerstone. We preach His message because we know that it is the only message that can get a human being right. We are unbalanced now, because what left from us was the Spirit of God. Now we gotta seek God to get that Spirit back, if we want to get right with God.
We see the church a little unbalanced now with godliness because they don't have the Spirit of God. All these people congregate themselves together on the day that they esteem for worship, and this is a righteous judgement, not the judgement of Jeff Brown, because the scriptures say that the body without the Spirit is dead. So when you get a body of people, collectively together that don't have the Spirit of God leading and guiding them, its a dead congregation. The scriptures say that those that wonder in the way of no understanding, they shall remain in the congregation of the dead. So we hope and pray that we can preach life into you, we hope and pray that we can preach light unto you, so that you can come out the darkness and into the marvelous light. If you have obeyed the scriptures and done God’s will, you can examine yourself to see whether you be in the faith, this is something you should be rejoicing about, it should make you glad because you are striving to do God’s will. We are examining ourselves daily, to make sure we are in the holy faith of God.
I want you to make sure that your baptism is correct, have you been baptized the right way? Make sure that you have the Holy Spirit that comes from the scriptures. Make sure that you are living according to the doctrine of the Apostles’. Make sure that you are lining up with the Word of God. Make sure that you are striving to do this everyday. This gives joy, because the joy that is set before you, you can endure the persecution, the name calling, you can endure the hatred. You can endure everybody that is trying to come up against you because you are striving to do God’s will, because of the joy that is set before you. You have a hope that goes beyond the grave, and you know that better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof. Know that this present suffering that you are going through, it can’t be compared to the glory that is going to be revealed in you and revealed in us on that day when the Lord comes back for His people.
So hopefully and prayerfully someone surrenders to God’s will, after hearing the Word, and ask “what must i do to be saved”, and if not we hope and pray that the Lord spares you, because once you hear this, the truth of the scriptures, you gotta give an account for what you heard. That’s why we pray that people have a mind to be saved and come to the knowledge of truth. So if you are in falsehood, have been deceived and didn't know that somebody baptized you in titles: father, son, holy ghost and you didn't realize that that’s an incorrect baptism and that man was in error and he didn't know any better and now we are telling you the right way to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and you hear this, and you don't come running, to get the right baptism, if the Lord was to take your life, you got to give an account. If you realize you don't have the Holy Ghost speaking with tongues, you should be crying out, you should be sweeping, looking, and calling for him, until you find him. But if you want to be stubborn and rebellious unto the Word of God, not to Jeff Brown, but to the Word of God, then you are going to have to give an account. It is only two places you can go: (1) to the lake of fire, or (2)you are gonna meet God in peace and spend eternity with Him in paradise! There ain’t nothing in between, its holiness or hell!